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Communicable Diseases

More information about Immunization Requirements is available from the School Immunization Requirements page on the Texas Department of State Health Services website. 

2024 - 2025 Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Students Grades K - 12

All immunizations must be completed by the first date of attendance.
The law requires that students be fully vaccinated against the specified diseases. A student may be enrolled provisionally if the student has an immunization record that indicates the student has received at least one dose of each specified age-appropriate vaccine required by this rule. Instructions for requesting the official exemption affidavit that must be signed by parents/guardians choosing the exemption for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief, can be found at . The original Exemption Affidavit must be completed and submitted to the school. Texas DSHS staff continue to process conscientious exemption requests. Exemption requests are processed in the order they are received and it may take up to 3 weeks for requested affidavits to be mailed.


Prekindergarten (4-year-olds)

  • 4 doses of DPT/DTaP/DT/TdaP/Td
  • 3 doses Polio
  • 1 dose MMR received on or after the 1st birthday*
  • 3 doses Hib (one of which must be on or after 12 months) or 1 dose Hib after 15 months of age
  • 2 doses Hepatitis A received on or after 1st birthday*
  • 3 doses Hepatitis B
  • Pneumococcal Conjugate (Prevnar, PCV7) - 3 doses given with one dose given after the age of 12 months, or 2 doses if given between 12-24 months, or 1 dose if given after 24 months
  • 1 dose Varicella on or after the first birthday (if child has not had chickenpox) *

Kindergarten & 1st Grade through 6th Grade

  • 5 doses DPT/DtaP/DT/TdaP/Td including one received on or after the 4th birthday (unless the 4th dose was on or after the 4th birthday, then 4 doses)
  • 4 doses Polio, including one received on or after the fourth birthday (unless the 3rd dose was on or after the 4th birthday, then 3 doses) **
  • 2 doses MMR received on or after the 1st birthday *
  • 2 doses Hepatitis A received on or after 1st birthday*
  • 3 doses Hepatitis B
  • 2 doses Varicella on or after the first birthday (if child has not had chicken pox) *

7th Grade

  • 3 doses DPT/DtaP/Td/Tdap with one dose on or after the 4th birthday
  • 1 booster dose of tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis containing vaccine (if at least 5 years have passed since last tetanus containing vaccine. The booster MUST be given once the 5 year time period has been met.)
  • 3 doses Polio with one dose on or after the 4th birthday (Polio vaccine is not required for students 18 years or older.)
  • 2 doses MMR (or 1 dose of Measles and 1 MMR) received on or after the 1st birthday *
  • 3 doses Hepatitis B
  • 2 doses Hepatitis A with one dose on or after 1st birthday
  • 2 doses Varicella (if the student has not had the chickenpox disease)
  • 1 dose Meningococcal

8th - 10th Grade

  • 3 doses DPT/DtaP/DT/Td/Tdap with one dose on or after the 4th birthday (One dose must be within the last 10 years)
  • 3 doses Polio with one dose on or after the 4th birthday (Polio vaccine is not required for students 18 years or older.)
  • 2 doses MMR (or 1 Measles and 1 MMR) received on or after the 1st birthday *
  • 3 doses Hepatitis B
  • 2 doses Hepatitis A received on after the 1st birthday*
  • 2 doses Varicella (if the student has not had the chickenpox disease)
  • 1 dose Meningococcal

11th - 12th Grade

  • 3 doses DPT/DtaP/DT/Td/Tdap with one dose on or after the 4th birthday (One dose must be within the last 10 years)
  • 3 doses Polio with one dose on or after the 4th birthday (Polio vaccine is not required for students 18 years or older.)
  • 2 doses MMR (or 1 Measles and 1 MMR) received on or after the 1st birthday *
  • 3 doses Hepatitis B
  • 2 doses Varicella (if the student has not had the chickenpox disease)
  • 1 dose Meningococcal

* Doses given up to (and including) 4 days before the birthday will meet the requirements for school entry. **If any combination of four doses of OPV and IPV was received before four years of age, no additional dose is required.

Exclusions from compliance are allowable on an individual basis as specified in Texas Education Code 2.09, Chapter 97. For further information, contact the school nurse.